Saturday, March 31, 2012

March Bento Challenger - BB! Admins

Bento 1: Starry starry bento by Rozi Yunos

Bento 2: Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory inspired, by Rozi Yunos

Bento 3: Play food bento by Chloe Heng

Monday, March 5, 2012

March Bento Challenge - EGG

Seeing how many members we now have, we'd like to try out a bento challenge and see how well it works. Something to help us along the journey of bento making and sharing.

The challenge;

* One week only - 7 days = 3 bentos. (We have reviewed it)
* All photos must be up on the page by friday 30th midnight - to give ppl ample time to 'like' your bentos.
* You may post photos anytime during the challenge week
* In every bento, there must be the star ingredient. This months challenge ingredient is EGG!
* Brunei Bentos Members Only! Admins not eligible but may still join in the fun
* Post the picture of your bento include a description of whats in your bento and what you did special for the star ingredient.
* When you post the bento of your choice make sure you also include ; MARCH CHALLENGE - BENTO 1/2/3
* The Member with the most total likes for their bento for the whole week wins! Eg ; 1+2+3 (no of likes for each bento each day) = 6 likes

The Prizes! Onigiri mold, Grass baran, Jelly cups