September Bento Challenge & A Royal Wedding
The challenge;
* One week only 7 days = 3 bentos.
* All photos must be up on the group page by Saturday 29th midnight - to give people ample time to 'like' your bentos.
* You may post photos anytime during the challenge week
* In every bento, there must be the star ingredient. This months challenge ingredient is SAUSAGES!
* Brunei Bentos! Members Only! Admins not eligible but may still join in the fun
* Post the picture of your bento include a description of what is in your bento and what you did special for the star ingredient.
* When you post the bento of your choice make sure you include ; SEPTEMBER BENTO CHALLENGE 1/2/3 (in capitals!)
* PHOTOS MUST BE POSTED ON THE BRUNEI BENTOS! WALL (no sharing from personal albums)
* The Member with the most total likes for their bento for the whole week wins! Eg ; 1+2+3 (numbers of likes for each bento each day) = 6 likes
* No new members will be added from now and during challenge week.
* Challenge Bento must be in a Bento Box
* Challenge Participant who do not complete all three bentos within the week is automatically disqualified.
* To eliminate confusion during Challenge Week, non Challenge photos will be REMOVED (you may repost after Challenge Week is over or just save it until then).
The Prize;
-Check out the pretty prize poster-