Monday, April 16, 2012

April Bento Challenge - RICE

Another challenge for the month of April! Another great opportunity to be creative and inspiring!


The challenge;

* One week only - 7 days = 3 bentos.
* All photos must be up on the page by Saturday 28th midnight - to give ppl ample time to 'like' your bentos.
* You may post photos anytime during the challenge week
* In every bento, there must be the star ingredient. This months challenge ingredient is RICE!
* Brunei Bentos Members Only! Admins not eligible but may still join in the fun
* Post the picture of your bento include a description of whats in your bento and what you did special for the star ingredient.
* When you post the bento of your choice make sure you include ; APRIL CHALLENGE - BENTO 1/2/3 (in capitals!)
* PHOTOS MUST BE POSTED ON THE BRUNEI BENTO'S WALL (no sharing from personal albums)
* The Member with the most total likes for their bento for the whole week wins! Eg ; 1+2+3 (no of likes for each bento each day) = 6 likes
* No new members will be added from now and during challenge week. 

The prize ;

One (1) Teddy Bento Box (sponsored by Sakura Box) and one pack grass baran

Thursday, April 5, 2012

March Bento Challenger - Daisy Selalu

Bento 1: "Negara ku BD" Tried to make the Brunei flag: Yellow with egg, white with rice, and black with seaweed.

Bento 2: "Out with the babies" Mama hen and baby chicks from egg, the sun from quail egg with carrot sunshine.

Bento 3: "Oh! Shucks!" Made of 2 baby birdies and one which didn't make it, in a nest of noodles; with blanched long beans, hearts of corns and sliced beef, and seedless grapes for dessert.

March Bento Challenger - Jessie Pang

Bento 1: Bee

Bento 2: Love Chicks

Bento 3: Three Little Pigs

March Bento Challenger - Suzie Salleh

Bento 1: His & Hers

Bento 2: His & Hers Teddies

Bento 3: Chicky Hatch

March Bento Challenger - Siew Ping Mendez

Bento 1: Eve and Wall-e
Bento 2: Hello Kitty Ninja

Bento 3: Buzz Bee

Siew Ping is March Bento Challenge winner!!


March Bento Challenger - Lulu Soo Ching Lio

Bento 1: Peeping Chick

Bento 2: Angry Chick

Bento 3: The Mini Zoo - Inspired by her curtains.