Sunday, September 30, 2012

September Bento Challenger - Lulu Soo Ching Lio

Bento 1: Sausage octopus gathering on fired noodles ... Carrots for the flower n heart ..

Bento 2: Broccoli and carrots around my lovely pinky pigs , the sausage for nose and ears ;) !!

Bento 3: Simple bento , sausage egg flower , broccoli with carrots .

Saturday, September 29, 2012

September Bento Challenger - Daisy Selalu


September Bento Challenge Winner!!

Bento 1: Lunch at McD's

-Miniature cheese burger is made of sausage, cheese, salami, and salad, pinned together with a pick.
-French fries is made of sausage cut into strips and colored with a bit of yellow food-dye, and put into a package made from wax paper.
-Milk shake is a small piece of sausage wrapped with wax paper and a straw cut short.

-Beef fried rice, salad and peach.

Bento 2: American Breakfast

Chef Aleesya is frying some eggs (cheese) and sausages (cut sausages) in the pan. She is also serving chocolate cheesecake (tamago and sausage), kiwi (sausage, cucumber and black sesame seed) and fresh oranges (carrot and edamame).


Aleesya is in class and learning the ABCs and the 123s. She has got her writing pad (rice, blue-coloured bee hoon, crab stick and black-coloured alphabet pasta), her pencil (sausage, egg sheet, kamaboko and nori), and her books (kamaboko and egg sheet).

Friday, September 28, 2012

September Bento Challenger - Clare McFlynn-Goewey

Bento 1: rice with sweetcorn bread flower, the small flowers are carrot and cheese and thd large flower has egg in the middle and sausage petals.

Bento 2: halloween bento!! Im getting in some practice for my daughters birthday.
The ghosts are cheese and wholemeal bread and also sweet potatoes.
The mummies are sausages wrappedvin pastry with cheese for their eyes!!

 Bento 3: I love you lunch!
Heart rice with a little pink food colouring, sausage hearts, heart cheese sandwich, heart carrots and heart eggs!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

September Bento Challenger - Jill Josry

Bento 1: Miniature Hot Dogs

Miniature Hot Dogs: Chicken sausage, cheese, salad and tomato sauce placed on spaghetti.

Grapes, sausage & cheese slices 'shish kebabs' on picks.

Salads & flower sausages as fillers :)

Bento 2: Party Animals

Animals are all made out of sausages, sesame seeds for eyes and nose, cheese on bear, corn on Hello Kitty and an apple bow (pretty sad looking HK too ;) ) & also sausage, cucumber & sesame seeds watermelon.

Rice, lightly seasoned with sesame seeds.

Grapes & apples in cups.

And ketchup in bunny sauce bottle.

Bento 3: Ponyville's Newest Friend - Winter Melody

On Unicorn: Rice, coloured spaghetti for hair & tail, carrot horn, sesame seed eye, nori nose & smile and rainbow rice Cutie Mark :)

Salad Forest, carrot sun, apple flowers, broccoli & sausage tree!

And sausage ground!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September Bento Challenger - Craft Craze

Bento 1: sausages day out at the beach... mini cupcakes are sausages with tomato ketchup, cheese, mayonnaise & mustard toppings, scrambled egg underneath cupcakes, sandcastle is sausage, rock melon, blueberries & heart shaped green apple... the sand are breadcrumbs :)

Bento 2: flowers (sausage, carrots, cucumber, green apple, pumpkin, egg, cherry tomatoes) lettuce, strawberries & grapes :)

Bento 3: heart shaped sausage, mini pizza sausage, sausage in oyster shell(pita bread) pearl(cheese), lettuce, scrambled egg & oranges :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September Bento Challenger - Irfan Wafiq

Bento 1: Colourful Bread with jam filling, Rob made with white egg and cheese, his friend made with sausage and cheese, words and stars made with cheese.

Bento 2: 'Rilakumma Satay'
Rilakumma made by sausage and cheese
Kuah satay made of egg sheet
Food picks made by myself.

Bento 3: 'Squirrel with her nut'
Squirrel made of sausage and cheese
Nut made of sausage and nori
Bread roll with nutella jam
Below squirel and nut are steam cup cakes

Monday, September 24, 2012

September Bento Challenger - Siew Ping Mendes

Bento 1: 'Peek a boo',  little girl behind rainbow balan made of sausage with nori details on spaghetti, sausage hands, accompanied by corn on cob, carrot sticks, grapes and papaya, and flower cheese.

Bento 2: 'Thumpety thump!' sausage rabbits on tuna mayo sandwiches accompanied by apple rabbits, grapes, endamame and carrots.

Bento 3: 'The singing snail'...sausage snail with crabstick star studded mantou shell, accompanied by grapes, carrot and apples.

Monday, September 17, 2012

September Bento Challenge - SAUSAGES

September Bento Challenge & A Royal Wedding


The challenge;

* One week only 7 days = 3 bentos.

* All photos must be up on the group page by Saturday 29th midnight - to give people ample time to 'like' your bentos.

* You may post photos anytime during the challenge week

* In every bento, there must be the star ingredient. This months challenge ingredient is SAUSAGES!

* Brunei Bentos! Members Only! Admins not eligible but may still join in the fun

* Post the picture of your bento include a description of what is in your bento and what you did special for the star ingredient.

* When you post the bento of your choice make sure you include ; SEPTEMBER BENTO CHALLENGE 1/2/3 (in capitals!)

* PHOTOS MUST BE POSTED ON THE BRUNEI BENTOS! WALL (no sharing from personal albums)

* The Member with the most total likes for their bento for the whole week wins! Eg ; 1+2+3 (numbers of likes for each bento each day) = 6 likes

* No new members will be added from now and during challenge week.

* Challenge Bento must be in a Bento Box

* Challenge Participant who do not complete all three bentos within the week is automatically disqualified.

* To eliminate confusion during Challenge Week, non Challenge photos will be REMOVED (you may repost after Challenge Week is over or just save it until then).

The Prize;

-Check out the pretty prize poster-